Quantum Energy Healing | Hypnotherapy | Ondas Quânticas| Remote Bio-Energy Healing | Chromotherapy | Soundtherapy

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At a molecular level, there are 70 different types of receptors that hold our human DNA. Frquency and sound act as its own language bypassing the defense mechanism of the brain (ego) to access and turn on these receptors. Sound waves can also affect brainwave activity, fostering a meditative state and promoting shifts in consciousness. Through carefully calibrated sessions here at OQ, sound therapy aims to harmonize the body’s energy, addressing imbalances and supporting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Overall, sound therapy is a scientifically grounded approach that harnesses sound frequencies for a transformative and healing wellness experience.

Tuning Forks: My hand-made  and precicely tuned instruments serve as vibrational tools with therapeutic applications rooted in principles of sound therapy. The precise frequencies emitted when a tuning fork is activated can influence the body’s subtle energy and potentially modulate the autonomic nervous system. Scientifically, this modulation may contribute to a relaxation response and impact physiological functions. When strategically applied, tuning forks may engage with specific acupoints, potentially influencing bioelectric pathways. The tuning forks at OQ operate on the Solfeggio frequencies. Pressure or discomfort may occur during a tuning session and continue for a short time afterwards. My tuning forks allow me to treat pain, emotional issues and other health challenges. With the help of body mapping they help find the root cause of dis-ease. 

Vibroacoustics: Vibroacoustics is captivating fusion of science and serenity. On the OQ soundbed which features cutting-edge transducers you will feel the vibrations penetrate deeply into your tissues, unlocking tension and promoting blissful muscle relaxation. The symphony of carefully curated music adds another layer to the experience, guiding you into a state of mental calmness and emotional harmony. OQ Vibroacoustics does not only melt away stress, it also opens the door to a myriad of benefits—pain management, improved circulation, and a profound sense of relaxation. Whether you’re seeking relief from the demands of daily life, managing discomfort, or simply craving a moment of pure indulgence, I am ready to craft a personalized session tailored just for you.

Tibetan Singing Bowls: Crafted with precision, my ancient Tibetan Singing Bowls operate on principles of sound therapy and vibrational medicine. When played, the bowls produce harmonic overtones and vibrations that can potentially impact the body’s sympathetic nervous system, promoting a relaxation response. Scientifically, this process may induce changes in brainwave activity, contributing to a meditative state and reducing stress. The vibrational frequencies are thought to resonate with the body’s energy centers, aligning them and potentially influencing physiological and psychological well-being.

Crystal Quartz Sound Bowls: When played, these beautiful sound bowls emit pure tones and harmonic frequencies, engaging both the auditory and vibrational senses. This immersive experience has the potential to induce a relaxation response, impacting the autonomic nervous system and promoting a sense of calm. Quartz crystals, known for their piezoelectric properties, amplify the vibrational output, creating a therapeutic resonance that may influence the body’s subtle energy systems.