Quantum Energy Healing | Hypnotherapy | Ondas Quânticas| Remote Bio-Energy Healing | Chromotherapy | Soundtherapy

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Step into a vibrant world of healing and balance with Chromotherapy at ONDAS QUÂNTICAS. Also known as color therapy, this ancient practice harnesses the power of colors to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
How does it work? I work with 12 healing colors, each of which carries its unique energy, influencing our body’s subtle energy centers. Scientifically, colors are associated with specific wavelengths and frequencies of light. Through the use of colored lights or visualizations, with the aim of balancing and harmonizing energy centers. During a Chromotherapy session, I will use carefully selected colorfilter combinations to stimulate these energy points, aiming to restore balance and harmony. Whether you seek relaxation, rejuvenation, relief from disease or emotional release, Chromotherapy offers a personalized journey through the spectrum of healing. Chromotherapy sessions at ONDAS QUÂNTICAS are designed to provide a visually engaging and scientifically informed experience. Each color is chosen for its potential to address specific health concerns or to support overall well-being.

A chromotherapy session will typically last for one hour. The colored light is applied to bare skin. I recommend a minimum of 5 sessions, depending on your health challenge. You will find excellent value packages in the booking section of the menu.